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History of YDM

1997 YDM pedagogical course for Japanese employees and language course for local employees were implemented at Nissan Europe (Amsterdam, The Netherlands).


YDM Language International Inc. was established.


Joint venture contract with Yaohan expired.


Joint venture contract with Yaohan wad concluded.
YDM Language International Holding Ltd. was established.


Chief executive director, Nobuko Yokoyama was sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Stanford University (California, U.S.) and Willamette University (Oregon, U.S.) as instructor on Japanese culture.


Japanese language teacher-training

for Japanese employees and 2-month language training for local Mexican employees, both adopting YDM, were conducted at Nissan Mexico Factory.  (See YDM Projects.)


Japanese language teacher-training for Japanese employees and 3-month language training for technical trainees from Asian countries, both adopting YDM, were conducted at Nissan Tochigi Factory.  (See YDM Projects.)

YDM pedagogical training course in Japanese was held at Tokohagakuen University (Shizuoka, Japan) and Yomiuri Culture Center (Tokyo, Japan).

Agent contract with Man Power Japan was concluded.


Look, Listen and Learn Ms. Yokoyama's Japanese (7 volumes) was published.
YDM pedagogical training course in Japanese was held at Nissan.
YDM pedagogical training course in Japanese was held at Pasco (Manila, The Philippines).


Center for Japanese Language Education (Nihongo Kyoiku Center) was established.
1993    Ms. Nobuko Yokoyama (CEO) was sent to Hong Kong as a cultural lecturer by the Japanese foreign ministry.
1993    Ms. Nobuko Yokoyama was honored as Soroptimist International of the Americas (Tokyo-Azuma).
2001    Established NPO YDM Association.
2003    Developed Japanese language teaching product for WBT (Web Based Training) system with NTTR.

Produced DGBOOK (Japanese textbook 1-6, English textbook 1-4) with D.G.C. Co., Ltd.




Completed The Yokoyama Direct Method: Japanese CD ROM demonstration version.


Published Look, Listen and Learn Pictorial Chinese Conversation* (4 volumes & 16 cassette tapes).
*Title changed Later to The Yokoyama Direct Method: Pictorial Chinese Conversation.


Published Japanese Conversation in Bars, Hotels and Restaurants for Philippines.
   Japanese Conversation in Bars, Hotels and Restaurants for Thai.
   Japanese Conversation in Bars, Hotels and Restaurants for Korean.
   Japanese Conversation in Bars, Hotels and Restaurants for Chinese.


Published Japanese Phrases for Foreign Workers (with cassette tapes)
   Japanese - Korean, Thai and Urdu.
   Japanese - Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish.
   Japanese - English, Indonesian and Persian.


Published Look, Listen and Learn Pictorial English Conversation* (4 volumes & 8 cassette tapes).
*Title changed Later to The Yokoyama Direct Method: Pictorial English Conversation.


Published Look, Listen and Learn Ms. Yokoyama's Japanese* (7 volumes & 6 cassette tapes).
*Title changed Later to The Yokoyama Direct Method: Pictorial Japanese Conversation; Practical Japanese Conversation; and Practical Dictionary.
Published How to Train Instructors of the Japanese Language (pedagogical training videos / 6 volumes).
2003 Published Language is a culture: Yokoyama-san’s Japanese.
Published Japanese textbook for WBT system.
2006 Released DGBOOK cartridge Japanese edition 1-6, English edition 1-4.

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For more information, please inquire via e-mail at: ydmyokoyama410yoko@nifty.com
Pour d' amples informations sur YDM, envoyer un e-mail à: ydmyokoyama410yoko@nifty.com
YDMに関するお問い合わせは、次のアドレスまで電子メールにてお寄せください: ydmyokoyama410yoko@nifty.com

[This page last updated / Dernier mise en page à: 1998/10/12 ]