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YDM Courses


Pedagogical Training Courses

Practical, short programs in the YDM pedagogy.  The 3-day curriculum allows the participant to obtain the basic YDM teaching know-how and start as a language instructor immediately.
The participant needs not to know any language other than his/her own, for it is the only language necesssary and used to teach in the YDM.
YDM instructional videos for individual check and review of teaching at home are available as an option to those who have fulfilled the YDM licensure requirement for corporate instruction.

u Teacher-Training Course for Japanese (Beginning Level)

u Teacher-Training Course for Japanese (Intermediate Level)

u Teacher-Training Course for English (Introductory Level)

u Teacher-Training Course for Chinese (Introductory Level)

Conversation Courses

Each course is taught by the instructor who is a native speaker of the target language and has been trained in the YDM pedagogy.
Because of the teaching method and its specially developed study aid, anyone can master introductory-level conversation in the target language anywhere and anytime in a short period of time.

u Japanese Conversation Course

u English Conversation Course

u Chinese Conversation Course

YDM Copyrighted Materials

Japanese Pedagogy
Textbooks on the YDM pedagogy.
Illustrations of conversations for display in the classroom of YDM teacher-training courses.
YDM instructional videocassettes.
Tree-charts of YDM system (1-5).
Teaching Materials
Supplemental teaching materials (English translation, romanized transcriptions and answers).
Illustrated materials.
Actual objects for demonstration.
Block copies of textbooks, films and original illustrations.

- Japanese (vol. 1-6)

- English (vol. 1-4)

- Chinese (vol. 1-4)

Audio master tapes.

- Japanese (vol. 1-6)

- English (vol. 1-4)

- Chinese (vol. 1-4)


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For more information, please inquire via e-mail at: ydmyokoyama410yoko@nifty.com
Pour d' amples informations sur YDM, envoyer un e-mail à: ydmyokoyama410yoko@nifty.com
YDMに関するお問い合わせは、次のアドレスまで電子メールにてお寄せください: ydmyokoyama410yoko@nifty.com

[This page last updated / Dernier mise en page à: 1998/10/06 ]